Soil of Memory
Bioturbation management card sharks
Disrupting the soil array of time and dignified responses
Sad days and solar exchange
In the weeds of the back-throat of her mind
Solidifying distinction in casual parking lots
Like loose change in the pockets of thieves
Cold coffee in the dull Caprica morning
Sold intent with wasteful spending
And jogging angels to spin and bend the course
(re)mutable stains on collars like she didn’t pretend
Or otherwise know it was a setup
Dug deep for the sound of the betrayed soil
Seed assemblage like tattering folds in spacetime
Continuity like folded grass under her draping robes
The fabric of contentious masters hangs with folds
And folkway disposition under the tires and the ashtrays
Of sing-song regret and absolute retirement
Like door-paths that leave us longing with tubular missing administration
In the hooks with ants and words and crickets of descending power
Adrift like a missing astronaut in the pools of tired arrays
Like time with a book, sacred and honored among the thorny public
Among no more castration that the billowing fragrant ponds of self-relief
And the metered release of clay-spooled sands under water roots
For lost journeys and fabricated lines to missing songs, under her wetgrass
There is a missing triumph, a line
Here where no individual can play the part
Like solid ice in the summer of love
And consequential armies to the flights of saddened doves
They drink their last toast to the honored dead
Who carry our names into the soil beds of lost memories
That no last stand is worth the remnant
And no harbinger is worth the fields of grass